Food Lion Cook-Off Winners Revealed
Food Lion’s second annual Frugal Cook-Off Challenge, in which Baltimore-Washington, D.C., metropolitan-area bloggers competed to create nutritious, low-cost meals for a family of four, using Food Lion store brands, as well as fresh produce and meat options available at the grocery chain’s stores, has yielded three champions.
The winning team (left) consisted of Sarah Grosjean from Capitally Frugal, Liza Hawkins of Musing Foodie and Roni Noone of GrenLiteBites. The bloggers’ winning entrée of apple spinach-stuffed pork chop, complemented by sides of rustic roasted red potatoes and balsamic candied carrots, was on the menu at Baltimore’s Talara Restarant the weekend of July 13-14.
During the July 10 Cook-Off, Grosjean, Hawkins and Noone whipped up the winning dish at Talara in a mere 45 minutes, using items selected from an on-site Food Lion pantry of store-brand items – at a total cost of $9.90. The bloggers were judged on creativity, taste and frugality.
Among the other bloggers who took part in the event were John of Grilling 24x7, Dara of Dining Dish, Laura of Beltway Bargain Mom, Sharmia of The Search for the Real Me, Rachel of Charm City Couple, Carol of Kooky Carols Kitchen Concoctions, Maggie of Family Frugal Fun and Crystal of Army Tankers Wife.
The three challenge winners received two $250 Food Lion gift cards, and all other participants got a custom gift bag filled with my essentials store-brand products and two $100 Food Lion gift cards apiece. Recipes will be available on the grocer’s website.
A company of Delhaize America, the U.S. division of Brussels-based Delhaize Group, Food Lion operates more than 1,100 supermarkets and employs about 58,000 associates in 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states.