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Food Lion Rolls 'Guiding Stars' Tour Across Southeast

Food Lion, LLC said yesterday that its "Guiding Stars 3 Star Kitchen," a mobile marketing tour, will hit the road to visit stores and community events in four states and the District of Columbia this summer and fall. The tour is designed to complement the launch of the Guiding Stars Nutrition Navigation System throughout Food Lion and Bloom stores.

"A simple, at-a-glance way to shop nutritiously, Guiding Stars can be proven through the actual shopping experience, and this tour takes a sample experience out of the stores and into the community," explained Food Lion v.p. of sales and marketing Ken Mills.

The 3 Star Kitchen Tour will have a registered dietitian onboard to answer questions.

Along with a retrofitted interactive 18-wheel trailer, the entire vehicle and crew are designed to demonstrate to potential shoppers and community visitors how to make better food choices for good nutrition and wellness. The trailer includes a meeting room where the nutritionist will discuss Guiding Stars with individuals and instruct visitors in food preparation and shopping for nutritious meals. Activities for children and nutritious snacks are designed to help educate children and their families.

In other Food Lion news, Food Lion stores made changes to its information systems to help clearly identify IRS-approved health care products that customers can buy using their Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HRA) cards, thereby facilitating a simple transaction process.

The transaction process will automatically deduct the cost of FSA/HRA items from a customer's total grocery bill once the card has been entered into the payment process.

Food Lion made the changes in compliance with new IRS regulations.

"The cards work like a credit card," noted Food Lion director of pharmacy John Bednarz. "Neighborhood Food Lion stores have always been happy to accept Flexible Spending Account/Healthcare Reimbursement Account cards. New IRS regulations make it easier to identify those items that qualify for reimbursement under a customer's FSA/HRA program."

For a list of Qualified Healthcare products and answers to common questions about the use of the cards at Food Lion stores, customers can visit

Food Lion, a subsidiary of Brussels-based Delhaize Group, operates over 1,300 supermarkets, either directly or through affiliated entities, under Food Lion, Bloom, Bottom Dollar Food, Harveys, and Reid's banners. The subsidiary employs about 73,000 associates in 11 Southeast and Mid-Atlantic states.
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