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GMA Plans First-Ever Environmental Summit for the Food, Beverage, and Consumer Products Industry

WASHINGTON -- The grocery industry has been seeing green lately, as retailers and manufacturers alike look for ways to help the environment and hopefully save money in the long run. To address the popular trend, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) said yesterday it will host its first-ever Environmental Sustainability Summit for the Food, Beverage and Consumer Products Industry, in Washington, D.C. Jan. 17 to Jan. 18, 2008.

This unprecedented gathering of industry leaders, policymakers, and academic experts will showcase the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry's leadership in developing and implementing environmentally sustainable business practices, and provide a road map for broader adoption of those practices, the industry association said.

"The $2.1 trillion food, beverage, and consumer packaged goods industry is leading the way when it comes to the adoption of environmentally friendly business practices," said GMA president and c.e.o. Cal Dooley in a statement. "The 2008 GMA Environmental Sustainability Summit provides the perfect laboratory for industry leaders and policymakers to learn about our successes and find ways to expand their adoption at home and overseas."

The 2008 GMA Environmental Sustainability Summit will explore the impact global climate change and the availability of water and other natural resources are having on our planet, outline the CPG industry's efforts to reduce its environmental footprint, and lay the groundwork for wider adoption of environmentally friendly business practices within the CPG industry, according to GMA. Thought leaders from industry, government, and nongovernmental organizations will come together for two days to discuss the present state of the environment and the CPG industry's contributions to environmental sustainability.

In addition, the conference will also provide industry executives with an "environmental sustainability toolbox" that will help them develop innovative sustainability strategies for their companies, as well as enhance existing environmental policies, programs, and metrics, GMA said.

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