Here’s What the Creator of the 1st Connected Food Platform Thinks About Transparency
Today’s shoppers use a mobile device to seek product information at every stage of their path to purchase. But are they getting the correct information? With an excess of data on the web, and the shopper’s insatiable drive to find information at every corner, companies need to develop a seamless plan to utilize both technology and transparency to promote shopper trust and brand loyalty.
On Tuesday, May 15, eating technology company Innit will lead a presentation at the TransparencyIQ event, “The Consumer’s Transparency Experience,” to discuss the need to bring varying partner products and services together in a way that is easy and offers a confident experience for the consumer.
We had an opportunity to speak with Innit COO Josh Sigel and learn more about transparency and technology.
Innit is at the forefront of technology and transparency. how does that come together with your industry partners?
Innit was founded from the desire to know “what’s in-it?” This pertains to what’s in the product, but also, what’s in it for the consumer. Transparency is the only way we can solve for both.
How does this technology fulfill a growing need for today’s shoppers?
We’re putting food information and buying power at the fingertips of consumers. We are solving for pain points from dinner inspiration through the final plate, helping consumers feel confident in the food they buy and their ability to prepare it.
What are some of the current challenges you’ve witnessed regarding transparency in technology?
The world’s disjointed food system presents a challenge for transparency. Information is lost each step of the way. We have created a single platform that takes consumers through planning, shopping, preparing and cooking. This enables a level of food information continuity that will continue to become richer and more robust over time, ultimately solving for the breakdowns we see in technology-enabled food transparency today.
What are a couple of tips for brands Seeking to be more transparent with their customers?
Consumers are your best brand ambassadors. Today's consumers are savvier than ever before and have more tools at their disposal to keep companies honest. It is critical to provide consumers with the information they need and want. This establishes trust and creates a valuable feedback loop that, when leveraged correctly, creates a win-win for everyone.
Where do you see transparency in five years?
We expect to play a larger role in this area over time. We envision a single platform where brands and consumers can publish and consume reliable product information, one that would not only offer information, but would translate information into actionable content that would foster a more meaningful relationship, not only between parties, but also would transform the relationship we have to the food we eat.
To learn more about this upcoming presentation, click here.