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From Hype to Here: Internet of Things is Enabling Real Business Transformation

Date of webcast:

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Time & time zone / duration of webcast:


2:00 pm ET/1:00 pm CT/11: 00 am PT

Duration: 1 hour

Webcast title:

From Hype to Here: Internet of Things is Enabling Real Business Transformation

Webcast abstract: 

Recently, technology has emerged to help organizations understand the patterns of people movement and presence. Within the Internet of Things, the "things" can be people and with this information, organizations can create real-time solutions to identify high-ROI projects and transform their business operations.  The Internet of Things is far more than just technology curiosity, it offers real business benefits.


In this session, we will explore use cases and new ways to engage the workforce and customer experiences with indoor location services.   The session will also explore innovative ways to improve operations and lowering costs.


Register today to create a culture of continuous innovation for your organization in today's cognitive era.


Presenting publications:

Green Retail Decisions


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John Smart “Smarty”

Program Director, Internet of Things – Facilities & Real Estate Offerings




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Laura Liebeck


Green Retail Decisions



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