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Indy Grocers Rate High in Center Store, Dairy, Frozen

According to the 2012 highlights of The Retail Feedback Group’s Connection program, there was a range of satisfaction found among shoppers across various departments and services in the grocery store. The highest satisfaction scores appeared in center store departments – grocery variety & selection and dairy/frozen freshness & variety. On the other hand, prices on non-sale items and restroom cleanliness registered the lowest in satisfaction.

Several actionable opportunities present themselves in the findings:

  • Focus on satisfying customers with the largest basket sizes. The findings show that customers with the largest basket sizes were less satisfied than those with smaller baskets. Increasing the satisfaction of customers spending more is key for retailers in retaining these valuable shoppers.
  • Strengthen the store later in the day. Overall satisfaction, as well as total satisfaction with various departments and services in the store, decreased among shoppers as the day wore on, with the highest scores early in the day and lowest scores in the evening. Attention to service levels and department conditions during the more heavily shopped afternoon and evening hours is critical in keeping customers satisfied.
  • Make sure the store is in-stock on key items. Shoppers able to purchase everything that they were looking for at the grocery store were far more satisfied overall versus those who could not purchase everything that they came to buy. Pay close attention to out-of-stocks as these are lost sales.
  • Convert secondary shoppers to primary shoppers. Primary store shoppers rated their stores higher on all departments and services as compared to secondary shoppers. The same holds true on overall satisfaction ratings. As shoppers become more loyal to a store, satisfaction seems to follow.
  • Connection is an automated customer feedback program, developed by The Retail Feedback Group and offered in partnership with the National Grocers Association, to benefit independent grocery retailers. Upon each visit to a store with the Connection program, customers are invited to provide ratings and comments about their shopping experience by phone or on the Internet. In 2012, there were more than 71,000 completed surveys.

The Retail Feedback Group will be exhibiting (Booth #127) at the NGA show in Las Vegas. For more information visit its website at


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