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KC Price Chopper Helps Local Anti-Hunger Program

Price Chopper, Kansas City, Mo.’s largest grocery chain, and the Harvesters food back have teamed up to “CHOP Hunger,” with the aim of providing 1 million meals to hungry people in the area. The program is launching with a new summer food and fund drive to help feed kids who depend on free school lunches during the school year.

CHOP Hunger brings together the local owners of the stores with their customers and vendors to raise enough food and monetary donations to provide the meals over the next 12 months, beginning with the “No School = No Lunch” food and fund drive. All summer, shoppers can scan $1, $5, and $10 donation coupons at checkout. Additionally, in-store displays will inform customers about “kid-friendly” foods that they can buy and place in the Harvesters barrels located in each store.

The local Ball, Bresette, Cosentino, McKeever and Queen families own and operate all 49 Price Chopper stores. The chain celebrates its 30th anniversary in Kansas City this year.
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