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NACDS Honors Mary Ann Wagner as 'Great Communicator'

ALEXANDRIA, Va. - The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) yesterday honored association veteran Mary Ann Wagner, R.Ph., as a "Community Pharmacy Great Communicator" in recognition of her contributions as a spokeswoman for the group.

Wagner, who was s.v.p. of policy and pharmacy regulatory affairs, retired in December following 13 years with NACDS.

"In addition to Mary Ann's duties as a department head, over the years she conducted many media interviews with newspapers, radio, local television, and national news outlets," said NACDS president and c.e.o. Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE. "As a result, Mary Ann was often the de facto face of our industry. She handled this role gracefully and has been an outstanding communicator on behalf of chain pharmacy."

NACDS created the Great Communicator program to honor those who promote a positive image of pharmacy and its value to patients. The trade group said Wagner consistently served as a "great communicator" on a wide range of policy and public health issues, providing expertise while helping to advance the objectives of NACDS and its members. This is the first time NACDS is bestowing the award not for a specific statement about the true role of pharmacy in the health care system, but for an entire career of communicating pharmacy's role in word and action.

NACDS represents chain pharmacies and suppliers of products and services to the chain drug industry.
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