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New York Apple Association Readies For Fall Consumer Promo

FISHERS, N.Y. -- The New York Apple Association in September will roll out a crisp consumer advertising and public relations campaign to promote the 2005 crop.

"We're going to have another busy fall promoting apples with advertising and PR," said Jim Allen, president of the NYAA, who is coordinating the campaign, which will consist of an extensive advertising program to promote apples on television, radio and consumer magazines. Heavy advertising over the past two years has been credited with helping drive up consumer demand for apples and apple products, Allen added.

The most extensive part of the 2005 program will center on the television campaign, which will feature a rotation of three ads, two of which will be based on a "How do you like them apples?" theme focusing on the health benefits of apples. A third ad is geared entirely toward processed apple products and cider. The ads will close with the tag line telling consumers that, "This message brought to you by New York apple growers. Millions of local branches near you."

The TV commercials will begin airing Sept. 15, and will run consistently through the harvest. They will air again during the winter months of 2006.

The radio spots, which will promote roadside stands, pick-your-own orchards, cider, and harvest-related activities, will also begin the week of Sept. 15.

A special TV campaign will target New York City to correspond with the association's sponsorship of the New York City Marathon on Nov. 6. The association will run commercials on WNBC Ch. 4, the official station of the marathon.

The NYAA will also place print ads in consumer magazines to promote apple products such as pie, sauce, slices, and cider, while a series of ads will run throughout the year in magazines, including Wegmans' Menu Magazine. The association will also promote apples through public relations, placing recipes in the food sections of newspapers, conducting live radio interviews, and booking Linda Quinn, R.D., the association's spokeswoman, for live TV interviews.

New York ranks second in apple production nationwide, with more than 30 million bushels harvested last year.
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