Seafood Expo North America Cancels 2021 Edition
Due to continuing pandemic concerns, Diversified Communications, the organizer of Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America, has decided against holding an in-person event in Boston this summer. The 2021 show, originally scheduled to take place March 14-16, had been postponed to July 11-13.
“We were determined to host an in-person event for our seafood community and have worked diligently over the past several months seeking a way to safely make the July 2021 edition happen,” said Liz Plizga, group VP of Portland, Maine-based Diversified Communications. “However, current COVID restrictions limiting the capacity of indoor venues, and the state of the reopening plan for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as related to convention facilities, have recently made it evident that we cannot move forward with planning an event like ours.”
The 2022 edition of Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America will take place as scheduled on March 13-15, 2022, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.
“We recognize that business continuity is important to our seafood community, and until we meet again in person in Boston, we will be reviewing opportunities to connect buyers and sellers digitally,” continued Plizga.
“The pandemic has reminded us that in-person contact is vital to the human spirit in both our personal and business relationships,” said John Connelly, president of the Washington, D.C.-based National Fisheries Institute, an advocacy group for the seafood industry, in reaction to the show's latest scheduling change. “Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America is an example of what we have missed — and all we are looking forward to in the future.”
Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America is the region’s largest seafood exposition, annually drawing thousands of buyers and suppliers from around the world to meet, network and conduct business.
Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global, the world’s largest seafood event, also produced by Diversified Communications, is slated to take place in Barcelona Sept. 7-9.