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Toys R Us Tests Kiosks at Giant Supermarkets

NEW YORK - Toys R Us Inc. said on Monday it is testing out kiosks at Ahold-owned Giant stores in the United States in part to compete with Wal-Mart, whose toy sales now exceed those of Toys R Us, Reuters reports.

The kiosks, which are between 650 and 1,400 square feet in size, have been being tested since August at four Giant supermarkets in suburban Washington, D.C., and Virginia, Toys R Us chairman and chief executive John Eyler said. The concept is targeted at shoppers seeking convenience.

"We have been pleased with the progress and over the next 60 days or so, we will come to some conclusion (as to) how big this (store-within-a store) thing ought to be," Eyler said in a conference call with analysts.

"If everybody agrees it's a good idea, it's worth rolling it out, then we will pursue it aggressively in 2002," he added.

Eyler said company's research showed that an ordinary parent visits a grocery store about 96 times a year, compared with about four to five visits to a Toys R Us store. He said the Toys R Us kiosks will benefit supermarkets by giving them an added attraction to draw shoppers.
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