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Unata Selected As Deloitte Technology 'Fast 50'

Unata, a leading provider of one-to-one omni-commerce solutions, was selected as one of 12 2015 Company-to-Watch winners on the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 50 ranking.

Canada’s pre-eminent technology awards program, the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 is highly regarded for recognizing world-class achievements in the Canadian technology sector and celebrating cutting-edge innovators that are improving today’s world and shaping tomorrow’s.

The Deloitte Companies-to-Watch award winners are bestowed on Canadian-based technology companies that have been in business less than four years and have the potential to be a future Technology Fast 50 candidate. Winners must own proprietary technology, conduct research and development in Canada, and possess the management experience and superior technology that mark a successful early-stage company poised for continued growth.

The award comes on the heels of other major successes for the Toronto-based Unata, the most recent of which includes the company's unprecedented 800 percent year-over-year growth as a result of new customer relationships, including Lunds & Bylerly’s, Raley’s and Lowes Foods.

This month, Unata also completed its omni-commerce deployment with Lowes Foods to 58 locations, with more retailer deployments in the forthcoming months. Armed with a sleek new website, Unata also recently repositioned itself as an end-to-end grocery retail solution provider that powers the entire digital grocery experience of tomorrow, interconnecting one-to-one e-commerce, e-loyalty and e-circular experiences.

Describing 2015 as "a huge year for Unata," Chris Bryson, Unata founder and CEO, said, "Receiving this recognition from Deloitte is a wonderful way to shed light on and celebrate all of the hard work done by the entire team that has contributed to our company’s success.”

Unata powers the future of grocery shopping by interconnecting all digital retail touchpoints and delivering personalized, seamless and intuitive customer experiences across the path to purchase. Its award-winning platform is designed specifically for the grocery industry, and supports delivery and click-and-collect.

Unata currently works with leading regional grocers throughout Canada and the U.S. like Longo’s, Grocery Gateway, Lowes foods, Lunds and Byerlys, Raley’s and others.


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