Peapod Delivers ‘CSA’ Produce BoxesE-grocer forms summer partnership with Harvest Moon Farms Delhaize Deploys Enterprise Labor Modeling SolutionsThe system is used by Bottom Dollar Food, Food Lion, Harveys and Reid’s banners Ahold USA Exec Honored Price named CFO of the Year by business pub Food Lion’s Brand Strategy Comes Home Chain is holding store reopening ceremonies across region Martin Departs Ahold USA Schlicker takes over duties on interim basis Delhaize Group Bows 5th Sustainability Report Retail conglomerate has also joined the Sustainability Consortium Ladies First Hannaford Rolls Out Sustainable Seafood Policy Delhaize banners also have program in place Food Lion Raises $500,000 for Anti-hunger Campaign Two-week drive benefits Feeding America network Food Lion Reopens N.C. Distribution Center Expanded facility services 270 stores First Previous 128 129 130 131 132 Next Last