PLMA to Honor Retailers for Store-brand Products
NEW YORK -- Almost two dozen retailers large and small -- Wal-Mart, Kroger, Target, CVS, Costco, Trader Joe's, Harris Teeter, ShopRite, Lund Food Holdings among them --will receive Salute to Excellence Awards at the 2007 Private Label Manufacturers Association Trade Show scheduled for Nov. 11 to Nov. 13 in Chicago. The awards are presented each year for outstanding new products offered by retailers under their own store brands. -
Nielsen Co. to Syndicate In-store Marketing Data in 2008
CHICAGO -- The Nielsen Co. and the In-Store Marketing Institute, in collaboration with the P.R.I.S.M. Consortium of leading retailers, manufacturers and media agencies, have reached substantial progress in a breakthrough project that will make stores a measurable marketing medium.