Blue Apron Lays off HundredsMeal-kit delivery service cut approximately 6% of workforce AmazonFresh Offers Pickup, Delivery for eMealsBuildable meals also available via Walmart, Kroger, Instacart Center Store Offers Solutions to Rival Meal Kits Many shelf-stable solutions are designed to offer same simplicity, convenience Albertsons Acquires Meal-Kit Service Plated Acquisition follows speculation of grocers acquiring such services Coborn’s Offers New Meal Kits for Delivery Fall offerings range from school lunch to family dinner What Can Grocers Gain by Buying Meal-Kit Services? Sector shows lucrative opportunity but can be risky Kroger, Walmart Offer Pickup for eMeals Service 15 eating styles available Kroger Expands Meal Kit Availability Prep+Pared in 37 stores by October Gelson’s to Sell Chef’d Meal Kits in Stores Deal inked as grocer-made kits heat up Blue Apron Declares Hiring Freeze, Cuts Recruitment Staff Moves come after lackluster IPO First Previous 30 31 32 Next Last