Publix Northern Migration Accelerates with 7-Store Bi-Lo DealTransaction projected to close next month Div. Pres Hucker Departing Giant-LandoverSingh to take helm on interim basis Food Lion Garners Superior Goal Achievement Award Honor bestowed by EPA for lowering refrigerant emissions via GreenChill Partnership Delhaize Reveals Beckers’ Successor at Helm Smith resigns as Delhaize America CEO Giant-Landover Expands Peapod Pickup Sites 20 locations opened since April Ahold Names Chief Human Resources Officer Abbe Luersman completes company’s new executive committee Ahold Q2 Net Sales Edge Up Results aided by ‘modest’ U.S. sales growth Bi-Lo Planning IPO: Report Southeast grocer said to have hired banks to work on deal Delhaize’s Q2 Revenues Up U.S. stores’ performance contributed to ‘solid results’ Food Lion Shoppers Can ‘Pack in the Savings’ Campaign aids local schools First Previous 120 121 122 123 124 Next Last