Wal-Mart Loses North Carolina Tax CaseBENTONVILLE, Ark. -- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has lost a $33.5 million tax dispute with North Carolina state revenue officials over how the retailer calculated taxes for its stores in the state, and said Friday it is still "considering" how to react to the ruling. Sam's Club Hosts Health and Wellness DemosBENTONVILLE, Ark. -- Over the weekend, Sam's Club here hosted the first of two health and wellness demonstrations at its clubs for the New Year. It will stage a rounf of second demonstrations Jan. 12. Wal-Mart Shuts Down Online Movie Download Service BENTONVILLE, Ark. -- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. here has closed an online movie download service it launched less than a year ago. Wal-Mart Shuts Down Online Movie Download Service BENTONVILLE, Ark. -- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. here has closed an online movie download service it launched less than a year ago. Wal-Mart Shuts Down Online Movie Download Service BENTONVILLE, Ark. -- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. here has closed an online movie download service it launched less than a year ago. EXCLUSIVE WEB CONTENT: GROCERY: Milk: Cow cash Organic milk is scoring spectacular successes as perceived health and environmental benefits intersect with a shrinking price gap. FRESH FOOD: Gourmet Proteins: Cuts above As consumers become more aware and discerning, it's prime time for more retailers to embrace the upscale meat movement. FRESH FOOD: Gourmet Proteins: Cuts above As consumers become more aware and discerning, it's prime time for more retailers to embrace the upscale meat movement. EXCLUSIVE WEB CONTENT: Milk: Cow cash Organic milk is scoring spectacular successes as perceived health and environmental benefits intersect with a shrinking price gap. GROCERY: Specialty foods: Don't get passed over Smart merchandising to more mainstream shoppers can turn kosher sections into a bang-up business in dry grocery. First Previous 276 277 278 279 280 Next Last