Houston Food Bank Event Nets Million-plus Pounds of Produce
HOUSTON - The Houston Food Bank here received a generous "Gift of Produce" totaling more than 1.4 million pounds of fruits and vegetables from the Houston Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association (HFFVA), for distribution to the food bank's 400 member agencies serving 18 counties in southeast Texas. -
FMI Calls IRS Ruling on Health Benefit Debit Cards 'Victory for Consumers'
ARLINGTON, Va. - Supermarkets will soon have access to more sales of healthcare-related products, thanks to a Dec. 14 ruling by the Internal Revenue Service that allows consumers to use Health Reimbursement and Flexible Spending Account (HRA/FSA) debit cards at all supermarkets and mass merchant outlets. The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) applauded the decision yesterday, calling it a "victory for consumer convenience."